Our Society was founded in 1996 and is run by a small group of people from the village. We share a passionate interest in our community, its people and how it has come to be the way it is. We also understand the importance of recording and maintaining stories, records and artefacts from the village and surrounding areas for the benefit of future generations.

We hold a regular calendar of well-attended talks and lectures in Sarratt Village Hall - meetings take place on Tuesdays at 7:30 for 8pm, with members attending free. Our Annual General Meeting takes place in January and we publish a programme of events every Spring.

We also arrange occasional ‘one-off’ walks of historical interest, and special exhibitions linked to specific historical anniversaries and commemorations.

A programme of events is published each Spring and sent to members. Membership is open to all and, as we research the history of local places and people, we encourage everyone to share their local knowledge with us.

Interested in Archaeology?

Interested in History?

Interested in Sarratt?

Places are offered to participate in a community excavation of the Sarratt lynchets at Goldingtons on the River Chess on the two weeks 27 July – 10 Aug inclusive ( 09:30 – 17:00) Training in all aspects of archaeological excavation, recording, finds processing, etc will be offered. Funded by the Thames Water Smarter Water Catchment Initiative and managed by the Chilterns Heritage & Archaeology Partnership (CHAP), the two week project is directed by Dr Wendy Morrison of the Chilterns National Landscapes Team.
You may sign up with Wendy (see below) for as many days as you like, but if dates are oversubscribed, places will be drawn by a randomiser. You may sign up for multiple dates but there is no guarantee you will be placed on both/all. Please mention if you are signing up with other people with whom you would wish to be assigned the same date in the event of oversubscription.
Excavation will be on rugged uneven terrain. Trenches will be hand dug, including de-turfing. A good level of physical fitness is required for many aspects but there are many aspects of archaeological investigation suitable for all abilities. No excavation experience is required and all tools and training will be provided.

If you wish to take part, or for more information, please click or tap here to respond to Wendy by email

Get to Know Us...



Our Next Meeting

Tuesday 17 September

History of Holy Cross Church, Sarratt

Hosted Jointly by SLHS and Holy Cross Church

As part of the National Heritage celebrations, we will be holding our September meeting in Holy Cross Church. Dating back to the 12th century it has a long and interesting history and we will explore how the Church building has evolved over the years, learn about the Rectors who have been installed there and understand the stories behind some of the people buried there.

Parking will be available in the adjacent Goldingtons field.

We are always looking for anyone who is interested in Local History to join the Committee of the society, please contact Sue Clark, Chair SLHS if you would like to come on board.

Our Usual Meeting place: Sarratt Village Hall
Time: 7:30 for 8
Click for more details

Interested in
Membership of the Society?

Membership is open to all. An annual fee of £12 per adult is payable upon joining, and is renewable at the following AGM. Members are entitled to attend SLHS meetings without charge; the entry fee for non-members is £4, payable at the door.

Please download and complete a Membership Form and send your payment to the Treasurer.

It will open in a separate window, from which you may download it

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